Suite 34.03, level 34/201 Elizabeth St, Sydney NSW 2000 02 8029 0408 | 1300 137 599

Privacy Policy

(ICMM) respects the privacy of individuals and has developed a privacy policy that embodies the National Privacy Principles.

In this document:

Personal Information means information or an opinion about you where it is possible to ascertain your identity from that information or opinion.

Our Privacy Commitment

Infinity Capital Mortgage Management Pty Ltd    ABN 13 632 265 153

(ICMM) respects the privacy of individuals and has developed a privacy policy that embodies the National Privacy Principles.

Collection of Information

ICMM collects the personal information it needs to provide the products and services it offers, which include a broad range of loans, credit and other financial products. This statement briefly outlines how Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  collects, maintains, uses and discloses personal information about you as a client of Infinity Capital Mortgage Management . Our Privacy Policy sets out our standards for the management of personal information. You can obtain a copy of this policy free of charge by contacting us using the contact details below or from our website at We will manage your personal information in accordance with the law and the National Privacy Principles (subject to any other over-riding provisions of law) and as specified in our Privacy Policy and this Privacy Statement.

Both our Privacy Policy and Privacy Statement may change from time to time. This Privacy Statement is to be read subject to any over-riding provisions of law or contract.

Collecting Organisation and Contract Details

The personal information provided by you will be managed by Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  and/or its related entitles. Any additional personal information provided by you in the future will also be collected and managed by Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  and/or its related entitles.

Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  can be contacted at:
Suite 34.02, Level 34, 201 Elizabeth Street Sydney NSW 2000
Telephone: (02) 80290408

Email: [email protected]

ICMM will collect personal information directly from the individual concerned. Sometimes we will collect it from a third party such as a financial adviser, a broker or a credit reporting agency, or from a publicly available source such as a companies or land title office. The type of information we collect, and where we get it from, will depend on the product or service you or your organization choose or apply for.

If we perform a 100 point identification check on, or obtain an identification reference for, an individual who is to become a signatory on an account with us we are doing so to comply with the Financial Transaction Reports Act.

If any personal information we need is not available, or not provided, we may not be able to provide the relevant product or service.

Web site collection

We will not collect any information about you through our Web site except where you knowingly provide it to us. The information we collect about you will depend on how you use the facilities offered by the Web site..

We will collect personal information if you do submit an application on line, or otherwise knowingly provide us with personal information. We also collect personal information once you are in the secure section of our site (for example when you use it to make inquiries).

What personal information Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  collects or has collected

The personal information Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  collects from you as a client, would be information which we consider necessary for one or more of our services or activities to be provided to you. The personal information Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  collects or may collect in the future may include any or all of the following personal information:

Your name, address, contact details and date of birth;

Your email address;

Your tax file number;

Details of your annual income, expenditure and employment;

Details of your assets and liabilities;

Details of any securities or investments you have given us;

Details of your associated loan accounts;

Details of specific transactions.

We will assume you have given consent to the collection of your personal information in the manner specified in this Privacy Statement until you notify us to the contrary by following the instructions contained under the heading ‘Consent’ below.

Use and Disclosure

ICMM will use and disclose information it holds about an individual for the main purpose for planning, product development, and research purposes and to seek feedback on our products and services.

Your personal information may be shared amongst the entities which make up the ICMM Group. The ICMM Group means ICMM and its related bodies corporate which include Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  Pty Limited, ICMM Capital Management Pty Limited, ICMM Mortgage Pointe Pty Limited.

The sorts of organizations outside the ICMM Group to which we typically disclose personal information include the following. This is not a complete list – there will be others which are less common or which you have been told, or will be told, about when you applied or apply for the relevant product or service.

Where you apply for or take out a loan or some other form of credit:

Credit reporting agencies for the purpose of obtaining a credit report (there will always be a separate form which explains the sort of information we give to the credit reporting agency and seeks any necessary consent from you);

Mortgage insurers and re-insurers of mortgage insurance;

Mortgage brokers – for those customers who apply for credit through a mortgage broker;

Debt collection agencies – if you do not meet your payment obligations;

Guarantors – for those customers whose credit is guaranteed or who propose someone should guarantee their obligations;

Insurer(s) and possibly also insurance brokers and agents – if you take out insurance in connection with a loan, or finance the payment of an insurance premium;

Other persons who have an interest in any property offered to ICMM as security;

Organizations acquiring an interest in your loan or credit account or involved in managing our corporate risk and funding functions (for example, organizations involved in securitization);

Other: Service providers to ICMM for example, lawyers, auditors, receivers and liquidators (these organizations are required to keep the personal information we give them confidential and use it only for our purposes);

A financial planner, financial adviser, broker, agent or accountant – if you are introduced to us by, or apply to us through, them or if you authorise or request us to disclose information to them;

If you authorize someone else to operate your account (including an additional cardholder on a credit card account), that person;

Direct marketing From time to time ICMM or other members of the ICMM Group may use your personal information to inform you about ICMM Group products and services including special offers.

ICMM does not disclose your information to organizations outside the ICMM Group for the purposes of allowing them to direct market their products to you.

If the law requires us to provide you with information about our products or services, we will provide that information to you even if you have elected not to receive information about our products and services generally.

Ensuring your personal information is up-to-date

We rely on the personal information we hold about you in conducting our business. Therefore, it is important that the information we hold about you is accurate, complete and up-to-date. This means that from time-to-time we may ask you to tell us if there are any changes to your personal information. If you find that information we hold about you is incorrect, please contact us immediately.

Security of your personal information

The security of your information is important to ICMM and we take all reasonable precautions to protect your information from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.

Some of the ways we protect your information include:

Security of external and internal premises: Restricting access to personal information to employees who need it to perform their day-to-day functions; Maintaining technology to prevent unauthorized computer access including identifiers and passwords; and maintaining physical security over paper records.

Links to other sites: When you use a link to go from our Web site to another Web site, this Privacy Policy has no application. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or content of other web sites.

Access to Information: You are entitled at any time to request access to personal information held by us about you and to ask us to correct this information where you believe (and in some circumstances substantiate) it is incorrect or out of date. To do this please contact us and you will be advised of our procedures for accessing and correcting personal information.

ICMM will correct information it has about an individual if it discovers, or the individual is able to show, the information is incorrect. If an individual seeks a correction and ICMM disagrees that the information is incorrect, ICMM will provide the individual with it’s reasons for taking that view.

Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  will not charge you for lodging a request to access your personal information. In limited circumstances access may be denied where required or permitted by law. If we decide not to provide you with access to your personal information we will give you our reasons for our decision.


If you have a complaint about our treatment of your privacy, please contact our privacy office. Our privacy officer will investigate your complaint and endeavour to resolve any issues to your satisfaction.

Purpose and use of Personal Information

Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  has collected and may use your information to do one or more of the following:

Process loan /loans for you;

Manage your loan account(s);

Process transactions on your behalf;

Enable us to assess any request from you for mortgage advice;

Send research information to you;

Respond to any specific requests you may contact us about;

Help us to assess products that may fit your financial needs;

Notify you of any products that may be of interest to you;

Keep you informed on matters that may affect or be related to your loans;

Update your personal files;

Enable us to meet our obligations under certain laws;

To provide you with regular reviews and keep you informed on the performance of your loans;

Any purpose for which the information is requested and any directly related purpose;

Developing, improving and marketing our products and services.

Disclosing your Personal Information

Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  may disclose your personal information to the following organisations for the purposes specified:

To related companies of Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  for the purpose of marketing new financial opportunities to you;

To Infinity Capital Mortgage Management service providers to establish loan/loans on your behalf or to process transactions.

In addition, Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  may disclose personal information it holds about you in the following circumstance:

When you consent to the disclosure;

If the disclosure is required by law

Legal requirements to collect certain personal information

When providing certain products or services to you Infinity Capital Mortgage Management is obliged by law to collect certain personal information from you. The laws governing these requirements include:

The Financial Transactions Reports Act (1998)

Australian Taxation Laws;

The Corporations Law;

Financial Services Laws

Consequence of not providing personal information

You may choose not to give Infinity Capital Mortgage Management your personal information. Depending on the type of product or service you request one or all of the consequences set out below may apply if you do not give some or all of your personal information to us:

Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  will not be able to provide you with the requested loan facility;

Infinity Capital Mortgage Management  will not be able to provide you with the requested finance product;